Cutting red tape

We’re cutting red tape across government to reduce regulatory burden and help businesses thrive. Learn more and find out how you can provide feedback.

Working smarter for business

A lot of regulations are in place for very good reasons — like those that protect human health, safety or the environment. We’re committed to maintaining or enhancing these regulations. But at the same time over decades, Ontario is now home to many outdated, overly prescriptive, duplicative or poorly designed rules that are dragging people and businesses down. This “red tape” is frustrating and can result in wasted time and money.

Our goal is to help businesses by removing, updating or modernizing these rules so they effectively enforce the law without unintended consequences or creating new roadblocks to business. Our goal is to save Ontario businesses $400 million, as part of our plan to help them become more competitive and create good jobs at home.

image of boxes in warehouse

Help us cut red tape

We want to hear from you on the issues you’re dealing with as a business owner or representative.

Tell us how we can reduce the regulatory burden to help make your business more competitive and support your investment in Ontario.

Submit business-related issues

Learn more about our work

Red tape and paperwork can add years to a construction project.

Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan will ensure strong environmental protections, while making the development approvals process faster.

image of crane and construction in cityscape